The Fifth Elephant

We’re experimenting with a new real-time video editing setup to improve the turnaround time for releasing videos from events. An event like The Fifth Elephant with three parallel tracks can take up to a month to process all videos. Our typical process involves cleaning up audio and watching each video to insert the speaker’s slides at the appropriate position, then exporting this for upload – a process which can take up to five hours per hour of video.

At The Fifth Elephant, we deployed a new video editing setup that allows us to process video in real-time. We put together the configuration with some trial and error over the past few weeks and ran the first proper yesterday at the event. We are pleased to say it works. The videos are rough in parts, but the audio clarity is excellent, and here is the best part: the videos are now online, available for you to watch and share.

Watch all videos from the main auditorium here →